Our landmark Access to Justice program, which aims to strengthen the legal system by increasing access to the justice process and the rehabilitation for child survivors of trafficking, exploitation, and sexual abuse across India, is now reviewing Expressions of Interest for its next round of funding.
In addition, the Access to Justice program aims to prevent and eliminate child marriage, child sexual abuse, and trafficking for labor and sexual exploitation through community engagement.
To bring about the behavior change required to have a lasting and sustainable impact on child protection, Access to Justice works to ensure the implementation of current policies, schemes, and laws in three thematic areas – child trafficking, child marriage, and child sexual abuse – by:
- Strengthening policies and institutions;
- Strengthening communities; and
- Working with victims and their families.
KSCF US funds the Access to Justice program through grant-making to partner organizations working at national and local levels. Our program partners co-design and co-create the work of the program, and jointly identify success indicators. The program was piloted in 2022. KSCF US has identified 200+ districts, across 15 Indian states, that have a high prevalence of these crimes. In the pilot phase, KSCF US partnered with national and grassroots organizations to deliver the program in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, and West Bengal.
In its second phase, KSCF US and its partners aim to achieve the following:
- A Child Marriage Free India
- Increase conviction rate in cases of child sexual abuse by 10%
- Increase the prosecution rate of child trafficking cases by 10%
For all applicants who submitted their expression of interest before the deadline, these are now being reviewed by KSCF US.